Dried Red Pepper

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Project Description

Ethiopian red peppers are elongated and slender pods, averaging 10cm to 15cm in length, and have a conical shape that tapers to a point on the non-stem end. The pods may be slightly curved or straight and have some deep folds and wrinkles, giving the pepper a wrinkled appearance. The skin is glossy and smooth, ripening from green to a dark, chocolate brown-red when mature. Underneath the tough skin, the flesh is medium-thick, red-orange, and crisp, encasing a central cavity filled with membranes and round and flat, cream-colored seeds. Ethiopian red peppers are juicy and have a rich, smoky flavour with a tangy fruitiness.
Ethiopian red peppers are most well-known for their use in berbere, which is a traditional spice blend that has been used in Ethiopian cuisine for hundreds of years.

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